Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The Baby Borrowers

So, Chris and I have come to know ourselves (well at least me I include Chris in it). We are not at a point yet in out lives to have children, not to say they're not in our future just not right now. So we "borrow" children.. And I LOVE IT!! we've been doing it since our friends daughter was about 18 months old, she's now 4. We offer babysitting services and don't expect pay, but we will take it if they offer ;). We watch the child then return them when we're done. So yesterday when my friend from work asked if i would like to watch her little one, of course I said yes!! And children never cease to amaze me. They are so smart, you teach them one thing and they seem to catch on SO quickly. Though it seems the learn what they want to, she can say Chris and I's names but doesn't know who is who, but Samantha she learned her name and when I wold tell her to go see Samm she would walk right over to her. She really loved Samm. Anywho anyone who has a baby we can borrow we would love to. Just let me know LOVE YOU ALL !!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a cutie!